Oandacht: Pas op foar falske pagina!!!

Beste klanten, dit is in disclaimer.

D'r binne in protte akkounts west dy't ús bedriuw imitearje aktyf yn 'e cryptocurrency-yndustry.De lêste tiid binne sokke dingen faak bard, wy meitsje hjirby de folgjende disclaimer.En herinnerje alle klanten, identifisearje asjebleaft ús offisjele kanalen, en lit jo net ferrifelje troch kriminelen.


Pls.chk ús webside

1. Offisjele webside: https://apextomining.com/

2. Bulk oarders: https://www.asicminerseller.com/

3. Webside fan Global Sources: https://apextominers.manufacturer.globalsources.com/

4. AliExpress Store: https://apextomining.aliexpress.com/

5. Apexto Alibaba webside: http://www.apexto.com.cn/

6. Leaderspower Alibaba webside: http://www.leaderspower.com.cn/

7. Sinne mining: https://apextominer.en.made-in-china.com/

Offisjele sosjale akkount:

Twitter: @ApextoMiner

Facebook: Apexto Technology Company Limited

Yns: @apextominer

Youtube: Apexto Miner / Apexto Miner Warehouse

Reddit: ApextoMining

Linkedin: Apexto Technology Company Limited

VK: ApextoMining

Discord: ApextoMining

Wy kinne net ferantwurdelik wêze foar FRAUD op 'e folgjende websiden dy't jo besykje om te tinken dat se ús binne.

Fake webside:




Fake sosjale media akkounts:

fake yns
fake fb

We never authorized any other sites or person as our distributor. If you discover any fraudulent websites or account, report to us!!! (info@apexto.com.cn) and we’ll be grateful!!

Post tiid: Aug-23-2023
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